For a change of mind return, the product will need to be received back to us unused, unopened, and in resalable condition including original packaging and product seals unbroken within 30 days. If your product ticks all of these boxes, please fill out our returns form online for our Returns Team to review.
If your order has not yet been processed by the warehouse, we can amend this for you.
If you have already received your order or it is currently in transit to you, your order will have to be sent back to us within 30 days of the order date.
Products must be returned in original packaging, including any seal/cellophane wrapping. Upon the return, the product will be inspected for quality control and hygiene purposes. If there is evidence that the product has been opened/used or is no longer in a resealeable condition, the product will be sent back to your original shipping address and we'll notify you straight away.
If you have returned an online order via post for a refund, exchange or store credit, we will send you an email when we receive your parcel to let you know it has arrived. Please use the tracking number provided by Australia Post when lodging your return, to keep an eye on the journey of your parcel.
Once your returned item has arrived in our warehouse, your return will be placed in a queue for processing. As soon as your return has been processed, we will be in touch to let you know. Unfortunately we are currently unable to advise an exact processing time for returns, however we endeavour to resolve these as fast as possible as soon as they arrive back with us.
You have 28 days from the date of delivery to return your items. You will need your email address/ delivery postcode and the order number from your confirmation email.
If your product is faulty and doesn't seem to be doing what it’s supposed to - we're terribly sorry to hear this news! Please fill out our returns form online for our Returns Team to review
Any information we collect from you is for the sole purpose of processing your order and will not be sold, exchanged, or otherwise disclosed to anyone. To access, update, or change your personal information, log into your The Formulated account and modify your information. We employ industry-accepted standards in protecting your personal information during its transmission on We utilize SSL [Secure Socket Layer] technology to protect your sensitive information on Premier Gifts during its transmission.